pada hari jum’at tanggal 28 April 2017 Kepala Desa Suru Bpk Harun Solichin bersama Camat Bantarbolang Bpk Drs.Sukisman,MA dan Ketua Kwarcab Pramuka Kabupaten Pemalang Bpk Suharto beserta seluruh pramuka mengadakan bedah rumah Bumbung Kemanusian Pramuka Peduli di rumah ibu Talem RT.007 RW.001 Desa Suru dan sekaligus penyerahan bantuan sembako kepada 10 kepala keluarga yang kurang mampu.

dalam sambutannya Kepala Desa Suru mengucapkan terima kasih atas upaya dari Bpk Camat Bantarbolang dan Pramuka Kwarcab Pemalang dalam mengadakan kegiatan bedah rumah dan semoga bukan hanya satu rumah saja tapi bisa lebih dari satu dalam kegiatan bedah rumah ini.


1 Komentar

  1. Hey, It’s Mahmud here. Recently your website caught my attention while searching for similar domain names. After entering the website, It seems that your website is brand new or not complete yet. So I thought I should try to contact you by leaving a comment on your website. Because as a Freelancer, I provide WordPress-related services like:
    1) Website Design & Development
    2) Theme Setup & Customization
    3) Speed Optimization
    4) Website Migration
    6) On-Page SEO Setup
    7) Malware Removal
    8) Landign Page Design
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    10) WordPress Virtual Assistant
    You can hire me through Upwork Marketplace using Upwork Direct Contact. This is a great way to hire a freelancer, especially one you don’t know. Because It’s safe for both clients and freelancers.
    If you want to know more details, you can contact me via email or WhatsApp. You can also request a Free Consultation Service to find out what kind of improvements are needed for your websites. Thank you for your attention.
    Best regards,
    Mahmud Ghazni
    Web Design & Developer
    WhatsApp: +8801322311024

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